Located in proximity to Greece's most prominent commercial logistics hub, this spacious prefabricated facility boasts avant-garde features. It is precisely engineered to target a LEED gold certification for its warehouse, establishing a new benchmark for sustainable practices in the industry.
It takes pride in delivering bespoke logistics solutions that cater to client's unique needs and expectations while adhering to the highest quality standards that redefine excellence. This facility is the ultimate choice for businesses seeking unparalleled cutting-edge logistics solutions.
Located in proximity to Greece's most prominent commercial logistics hub, this spacious prefabricated facility boasts avant-garde features. It is precisely engineered to target a LEED gold certification for its warehouse, establishing a new benchmark for sustainable practices in the industry.
It takes pride in delivering bespoke logistics solutions that cater to client's unique needs and expectations while adhering to the highest quality standards that redefine excellence. This facility is the ultimate choice for businesses seeking unparalleled cutting-edge logistics solutions.
}', 9='{type=string, value=Discover how this masterwork project establishes unique benchmarks in the world of logistics.
}', 10='{type=image, value=Image{width=1920,height=1080,url='https://26079927.fs1.hubspotusercontent-eu1.net/hubfs/26079927/MILITOS%201.jpg',altText='MILITOS 1',fileId=100184217841}}', 14='{type=list, value=[{id=88202232268, name='MILITOS-1'}, {id=88202232270, name='MILITOS-2'}, {id=88668566477, name='MILITOS-4'}, {id=108971410675, name='MILITOS-5'}]}'}